25 April 2007

Unsocial Life

It has been another unsurprising week of activity in my busy unsocial life. After all the coursework deadlines were thankfully met before Easter (Spring Break for my thousands of American readers), we still had to complete redrafts to gain those crucial extra marks.

Even more crucial was Citizenship GCSE coursework. It is vital to get as many as possible since we have not actually been taught anything for the past 2 months. It turns out our teacher has been off school not because of a 'damaged knee', but instead due to a nervous breakdown. I'm not sure if I'm just being insensitive or just inexperienced, but I find that rather amusing.

This particular teacher's problems remind me of first year. Back then, all those 4 years ago, our music teacher by the name of Daunt, mysteriously vanished from school. Yes, she was daunting, especially when she threatened to give me zero on a test I was going to miss due to my father's own wedding! About half the class seemed to be absent on this test day and none of her threats came to fruition. Still, I missed the music test and haven't cared a drop for the subject ever since.

Daunt was a great fan of "There was an old man called Michael Finigan. He grew whiskers on his chin-ingin..." - you know the one, or perhaps not. Every single bleeding lesson she would sit at the piano and churn out the worst dirge imaginable just to emphasise a point about some notation thing. Apologies to all those music students reading this, but I don't see the point. Music is for the soul, and you can't learn about the soul.

Rather aside from my boring rant about mentally deranged teachers, my lemons have finally germinated! Yippee! Now I'll just have the wait another ten years for them to be visible over the rim of the pot.

In sports news, Jingo and I poned (is that how you spell it?) Richard and some guy called Colin at tennis today. Taking the set 6-3, the angle of my backhands easily disposed of Richard, and Jingo's smashes obliterated Colin and his feeble serves. We then swapped: Jingo and Rich VS Torquer and Colin, and it was a dead tie at 1 game all when we 'broke for lunch'.

In more local sports news, Chelsea screwed Liverpool 1-0. Bloody Londoners.


Jingo said...

it's pwned...

when will we start seeing lemon trees?

Helen said...

Not everyone in Huddersfield gets to do IT a year early, it's just cause my school is a 'Mathematics and ICT Specialist' school. I think I got 38 on Acess and 39 on Spreadsheet (with hard work).
Oh, and I'm coming to Liverpool at the weekend (I just thought this would be an interesting bit of information to add to my comment, seeing as you're from Liverpool, and all).
I suppose I don't really notice how green everything is here, until I go to a city.
And, talking about the Liverpool v Chelsea game last night, my Dad supports Liverpool, because he's from the Wirral, and my Mum supports Chelsea because she comes from the general 'Southern England' area. I did the wise thing, and stayed out of the living room.

Torquer said...

I'm afraid my vast orchards are not filled with trees yet Jingo. Come back when I'm retired.

Torquer said...

Good marks on your IT coursework Helen. I got 39 on Access and 40 on Excel. I did French and Maths last year but could have easily taken IT I'm sure. Good luck for the 22nd!

You'll notice the difference in Liverpool compared with the country. We do have some whopping great big parks though: I live right by Sefton Park.

Liverpool seem to have a thing with pens though!