30 May 2007


Bad tidings readers. The exams are literally knocking on my door! Not really. Anyway, the first GCSE (Geography) is next Monday and from then on there are more exams for the next two weeks. 'Expect little more than a sarcastic...' perhaps that one needs a rest for now.

Just a quick note to say that I finally have one plant that has germinated. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the hell it is because I crammed melons, butternut squashes, lemons, oranges and apples into the same tray in my desperation and longing for a mini-orchard. We'll have to wait and see what fruit it bears... if any.

Got to now. My mother has just handed me a large slab of expired Christmas cake.


Helen said...

Good luck with all your exams!
As you may notice, my blog is no longer up and running - I needed a break for a while! I may start again though, soon! My old site has been taken over by some weirdo talking about fashion!
Helen (previously of evenmoreshenanigans.blogspot.com fame) x

Torquer said...

I understand your absence. Sometimes it can be really difficult to think of stuff to write about, especially if you have some cynical jealous angry man complaining about your lack of literary talent. I'd like to see Jingo get full marks on his Shakespeare coursework!