25 March 2007


The onslaught has been unprecedented. We were alerted during the arduously boring morning assembly:

"But in the end... [headmaster's favourite catch-phrase to tag on to the beginning of nearly every sentence] The final deadline for all coursework is Tuesday the 27th of March. That is actually next Tuesday in fact. The final coursework deadline for 5th year students is in fact next Tuesday the 27th of March. Now, that is not long away, is it?"

"You tell me," I murmur, collecting harsh glances from the obese teaching staff, already thinking hungrily of break time.

So that's the picture people. A rather sordid picture of me locked in my bedroom all weekend listening to Dinosaur Jr (remember them?) and my Courseworkout playlist on iTunes, comprised largely of medium paced dance music to keep my fingers typing (Chemical Brothers mainly). Writing this post is actually today's break from work. On Saturday I made the dinner.

I have somehow amassed nine pieces of coursework despite taking only 8 GCSEs this year (French and Maths last year: A* oh yeah). For English we have to analyse 'An Inspector Calls A Whore' by I P Freely. In Geography its 'Examine the Urban Land Use Patterns of Liverpool'. In IT we have to design a database on Microsoft Access which seems to keep breaking and crashing and opening 20 copies for some reason. There is only one piece of software worse than that program in circulation: Windows itself. Physics involves measuring the resistance of a piece of wire (whoo!) and writing 3000 words on it (uurgh!).

In other news:

My form wins the annual house football tournament. I say my house because I just sort of stood around on the pitch in a slight daze. Jingo was worse though, he was conscious and still played crap. It was a bitter victory with 6 bookings for the other team. We scraped through though.

All Business Studies students (that's me) had to pay a "voluntary contribution" of £5 to go to the Jaguar factory (see last post). It was shit. We watched several hundred old men (and women) screwing

pieces of car together. I really couldn't tell the two genders apart some of the time.


Jingo said...

you forgot the GNVQ and GCSE short course... so it's still 10

Torquer said...
